Lift your mood up by eating fresh fruits and veggies.
Researchers and nutritionists across the globe have found that an increased intake of fresh fruits and vegetables not only boosts our immunity but also helps enhance our mental well-being.
All aspects of our daily life are transforming rapidly. In order to keep pace with the changing time and technology, our children as well as the young adults need to build up a healthy & innovative mindset.
Then only we can secure a constructive societal upliftment and national prosperity in the sphere of civic life, employment, education, technology, healthcare, agriculture, business, industrialisation and governance primarily.
We all knew that good food keeps us strong and unhealthy food makes us sluggish. Did we know that fruits & veggies elevate our mood and emotional well-being?
Since a decade, various universities in the UK, Australia & New Zealand have conducted experiments to find the relativity between food and mental well-being.
In recent studies, they found that people who eat more fruits and vegetables report more satisfaction in life, more confidence to resolve complex issues. Their cognitive firmness supports innovative approaches and sense of security.
How we should consume?
Researchers advise us to consume a diet enriched with fruits & vegetables that will boost our over all well-being but we must have regular physical activities too. You can ensure your and family’s good health & mind simply by following these easy ways regularly.
You can make fruits exciting to your kids. For example, to keep them away from sugary candies or chocolates, just slice apples and spread natural peanut butter. Add banana slices and sliced strawberries to cereals. A palatable kid-friendly fruit-salad can be prepared using strawberry yogurt, apples, seedless grapes etc.