Fruits For Diabetics

Many of us heard that diabetic patients should not eat fruits. Is it a myth?

Let’s know what medical science reveals. When pancreas runs out of sufficient insulin then we bring up Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as Diabetes. India is a home to approximately 62 million diabetics and the count goes on……

Medical science has proved that fruits have carbohydrates and natural sugar – Fructose, which can raise our blood sugar level. It also says that fruits are full of essential vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that our body needs always.

Fruits can lower or prevent our risk of cardiac disease, cancer and stroke as well. For diabetic patients, most important factor is the Glycemic Index (GI). GI is the determinant; which food or fruits can affect our blood sugar level and how much.

Eureka!! Diabetic patients can relish fruits – that has low Glycemic Index. Our mother nature has provided solutions and enough resources to live a healthy life, we need to learn the sensible usage of those natural resources in our daily life.

Diabetics can eat the fruits mentioned below in a balanced way of daily meals.

Tips for diabetics:

Eat fruits with low Glycemic Index

Never eat fruits with main meals, have between lunch & evening refreshments

Consume fresh & seasonal fruits

Whole raw fruits only, no processed or canned fruits

Consult physician/nutritionist for personalised diet chart & fruits’ quantity

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